Wednesday 4 August 2010

Coffee Shops

Well yet again we are in an beverage-establishment scavenging the Wi-Fi networks somewhere in East London. Shortly we may start a new project about the relationship between coffee and internet search topics, or the effect caffiene has on ones typing speed; or just an idot's guide to East End coffee shops. I'm favouring the latter...

I can't help but stare out the window and gaze at the rain as it pitter patters on the pavement. There is something intrinsically beautiful and mysterious about the weather. If it is not climatic activity that captivates my imagination in this urban box, it is definitly the people walking past...'People Watching'? Sapiens greatest past time. (Link to previous post, the notings of elderly men in Spoons.)

The world is full of characters, and I for one want to celebrate every single one of them.

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